DOE releases zero-emissions building definition, part 1
The U.S. Department of Energy on June 6 released the first part of a national definition of a zero-emissions building intended to provide guidance that will support decarbonization efforts in new and existing buildings and advance public- and private-sector climate goals.
Part 1 of the definition focuses on operational emissions from energy use, setting criteria to determine whether a building generates zero emissions from energy used in building operations, the DOE said. These criteria involve requiring buildings to be among the most energy efficient; free of on-site direct greenhouse gas emissions from energy use; and powered solely from clean energy, meaning all on-site and off-site energy used in the building must come from clean energy sources, according to a guidance document released by the DOE.
“With today’s announcement, DOE is helping bring clarity to our public and private sector partners to support decarbonization efforts and drive investment — paving the way for the cutting-edge clean energy technologies we need to make America’s buildings more comfortable and affordable,” U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.
The U.S. has nearly 130 million existing buildings that cost over $400 billion a year to heat, cool, light and power, the DOE said. By 2050, an additional 60 billion square feet of commercial space are expected to be constructed, per the release. The department said defining what constitutes a zero-emissions building would help the nation achieve climate goals and cut energy costs for businesses and homes, while providing market certainty and clarity to scale zero emissions in new construction and retrofits.
Plans to define what constitutes a “zero-emissions” building were first announced by White House National Climate Adviser Ali Zaidi last September. In developing a draft of this definition, the DOE sought input from industry stakeholders at the beginning of this year. Responses to its request for information, the department said, would serve “as a clear market signal and consistent target, backed by measurable data, to help move buildings toward zero emissions goals.”
In April, DOE released a federal blueprint laying out actions that can be taken to slash U.S. building emissions 65% by 2035 and 90% by 2050, compared with 2005 levels. The blueprint also aims to reduce energy used on-site in buildings 35% by 2035 and 50% by 2050, compared with 2005 levels. Major technical advances in energy efficiency, heat pumps and clean energy mean that new and existing buildings can help the nation achieve zero emissions, the department said.
Numerous factors, including embodied carbon, refrigerant use, grid interactivity, indoor air quality and electric vehicle support equipment can improve human health and minimize environmental impacts while cutting utility costs and boosting resiliency to climate change, according to the document outlining part 1 of the definition. Thus, the definition is “not a substitute for the green building and energy efficiency standards and certifications that public and private parties have developed,” the document clarifies.
To meet the first pillar of the definition, being energy efficient, existing buildings must satisfy certain criteria. These include obtaining an Energy Star score of 75 or higher, or, if the building is not eligible for an Energy Star score, reducing site energy use intensity to at least 35% better than the median EUI for buildings of that category, the document says. Alternatively, a building can ensure its energy use intensity is less than the EUI specified in the latest version of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100, Energy and Emissions Building Performance Standard for Existing Buildings, “for buildings of that type and location.”
Meanwhile, new buildings must satisfy one of three requirements, the document says. These include ensuring that estimated whole building energy use is at least 10% lower than the model code, being designed to obtain an Energy Star score of 90 or higher, if eligible, or being certified to the most recent effective version of the Energy Star Residential New Construction Program or Zero Energy Ready Homes program.
The second pillar, zero on-site emissions from energy use, involves ensuring that direct greenhouse gas emissions from energy use equal zero, the document says. However, emergency backup generators, which need to be used when grid power is unavailable, are exempt from this requirement, according to the document.
The third pillar of the definition involves ensuring that all energy consumed by the building is clean energy obtained through any combination of on- and off-site sources, as long as GHG emissions from that source equal zero. If the building obtains heating or cooling from a district energy system, for example, that district energy must be generated from clean sources, the DOE says. It also recommends maximizing on-site clean energy before procuring off-site clean energy.
ASHRAE has commended the release of the national definition’s part 1. “ASHRAE is pleased to be recognized and have our referenced standards acknowledged as guiding tools in this significant milestone to combat climate change by decarbonizing the built environment,” ASHRAE President Ginger Scoggins said in a June 6 statement.
“The Biden Administration, perhaps more than any previous administration, recognizes the enormous role that buildings play in our lives and our environment.” Peter Templeton, president and CEO of the U.S. Green Building Council, said in a June 6 statement.
“This is the future of buildings, and the definition will be an important tool for establishing a common understanding of what it really means to be a zero operating emissions building,” Templeton said. “As financial institutions, investors, and insurers grapple with climate risks, we see the baseline established by this definition as key to evolving market expectations.”