10/24/2024-Clarity Grid Solutions (Clarity Grid), the most robust energy data platform on the US power grid, has completed its update of US Nodal additions for Load and Generation for the 3rd Quarter of 2024. ISO PNode counts for the 7 US ISOs increased by 1,213 over the 3Q 2024, 361 Generation and 852 Load nodes, bringing Total Node count in the Clarity library to 81,361. In aggregate, the 7 US ISOs added 3.2 gigawatts of Generation and 1.26 gigawatts of Storage, and approximately 22,0 gigawatts and 8.0 gigawatts of generation and storage respectively year to date. Solar and Storage additions which were roughly in line with EIA estimates; https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=62864, but Wind additions missed badly as no new projects were assigned PNodes. In keeping with the lumpiness of capacity additions, only ERCOT and CAISO registered additions of Generation and Storage, demonstrating again that Interconnection queues output remain stagnant outside of these two regions. There were noteworthy additions to large load serving capacity for data center and chip manufacturing in both the traditional California region as well as Extended Integrated Market of CAISO. Lastly, PNodes associated with Powerex, which transacts in CAISO EIM on behalf of BC Hydro were added to Clarity’s PNode library in keeping with our process of capturing all physical locations of Load and Generation PNodes included in the CAISO Commercial Model.
The Clarity Grid platform reduces the time, hassle and expense of in-house energy pricing research by giving you comprehensive, up-to-date wholesale and retail electricity prices for any location on the U.S. power grid. For more information about Clarity Grid Solutions, visit claritygrid.net. To review the Summary report of 3Q Node additions please visit our website listed below and access the Report under the Blog section. A full view of nodal information is available through a Trial or Subscription