LOS ANGELES, California – October 4, 2022-- Electrical Grid Monitoring™ (EGM) Inc. (www.egm.energy) is pleased to announce that Dr. Alex Levran, EGM Inc. CEO, was selected to present at the CEATI (Centre for Energy Advancement through Technical Innovation) 2022 Distribution Conference (https://www.ceati.com/event/distribution-conference; formerly the Smart Grid Conference) held this year in Palm Springs, California; October 4-5, 2022.
CEATI (www.CEATI.com) has assembled energy leaders to engage at the Renaissance Esmeralda and Levran's presentation is Wednesday, October 5, 2022; Session 4: Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Operations at 9:15 AM Pacific, entitled, "Simulation Studies on Meta-Alert™ Systems”.
"We include simulation studies by the National Renewable Electric Laboratory (NREL), that demonstrate the benefits of an advanced, high-fidelity sensor technology, we call the Meta-Alert™ System (MAS), developed by EGM on the distribution grid," says Levran.
Levran's presentation discusses the simulation results on the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) J1 feeder to demonstrate that the MAS can effectively participate in system-level programs and can detect and locate faults faster than traditional distribution protection schemes.
"Distribution systems face steep operational challenges as a result of the rapidly increasing integration of renewables and other distributed energy resources (DERs) at both the primary and secondary circuit levels," notes Levran. "Distribution utilities and system operators have traditionally had some visibility of their primary circuits using low-frequency supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), and they have had very poor if not zero visibility of the secondary circuits where the presence of DERs is constantly increasing.
"Utilities must optimize sensors overhead and underground as we experience more climate change, increased DER’s and electric vehicle (EV) charging as added to the distribution networks," says Levran. "Reliable energy will be at a premium; and although utilities cannot avoid outages, the need for speed in detecting faults faster for quick restoration is not only critical for customer satisfaction, it's imperative for line-workers' safety and utility grid survival.
"At EGM, we are taking a leadership role to expand our Meta-Alert™ System technologies into utility grid modernization efforts throughout the U.S. while supporting all DERs, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging, decarbonization activities and the day-to-day challenges facing utilities in a changing transmission and distribution (T&D) environment,” adds Levran.
Electrical Grid Monitoring™ (EGM) Inc. is the leading technology company with innovative T&D grid management solutions that include sensing, communication, and analytics components. Meta-Alert™ the EGM Monitoring System, delivers useful information to manage both overhead and underground utility grids. EGM Inc. is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, United States. For more information, please visit (https://egm.energy/) or www.egm.energy.
CEATI is a member-driven information services business with over 160 global utilities participating. CEATI manages over 20 specialized Interest Groups covering many essential aspects of power generation, transmission, and distribution. Each Interest Group addresses mission-critical priorities through a variety of peer-to-peer interactions, benchmarking solutions, conferences & seminars. CEATI members also benefit from shared-cost research and development initiatives, and have direct input into the research agenda to ensure alignment with their top priorities.