Dive Summary:
- Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette filed a written statement dated Feb. 12 in opposition to Detroit Edison's $87 smart metter opt-out fees.
- The statement comes as state-level hearings about DTE's proposals for anti-smart meter customers continue.
- "The Attorney General agrees with Detroit Edison that cost of service is a basic ratemaking principle and that the Commission should not force one group of customers to subsidize another group," the statment reads. "But applying these concepts to charges that could be avoided by simply allowing an opt-out customer to retain a working analog meter is not just and reasonable."
From the article:
"... In the statement filed this month by Schuette in response to ongoing state-level hearings on Detroit Edison's proposed opt-out program for its customers who don’t want smart meters, Schuette said he didn’t think fees the company had proposed customers pay were justified. ..."