Dive Summary:
- New dehumidifiers, televisions and dishwashers led the way in Energy Star standard compliance in 2011, though water heaters lagged behind.
- A chart produced by the U.S. Energy Information Administration lays out how compliant those and other appliance categories were, based on shipments in 2011.
- The Energy Star program is voluntary and is intended to identify energy-efficient products, and standards are updated as they become widely adopted.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration's estimates, based on 2011 shipments, eight appliance markets with Energy Star adoption rates greater than 50%:
1. Dehumidifiers
2. Dishwashers
3. Televisions
4. Notebook computers
5. Room air conditioners
6. Clothes washers
7. Refrigerators
8. Audio/visual production
From the article:
"... In the case of dehumidifiers and dishwashers, market penetration was over 95% in 2011, so new specifications were announced and made effective in 2012. Similarly, televisions, room air-conditioners, clothes washers, and audio/video products will have updated specifications in 2013. Water heaters, on the other hand, are relatively new to the ENERGY STAR program and have little market penetration because there are specifications for some, but not all, water heater types. Electric storage tank and electric tankless (instantaneous) water heaters cannot earn the ENERGY STAR label because of limited energy savings potential. However, electric-powered heat pump water heaters can earn the label. ..."