Deep Dive: Page 5

Industry insights from our journalists

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    Unlocking the Transition: Politicians tout renewable energy jobs for ex-fossil fuel workers, but it’s not so simple

    Renewable energy might create new jobs for a variety of Americans, but experts say these positions don't always appeal — or just aren't available — to workers who are losing their jobs to the closure of coal mines and power plants.

    Emma Penrod • Nov. 5, 2021
  • Selling the Transition: Biden, Congress work to fill gap from clean electricity performance plan demise
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    Adeline Kon/Utility Dive
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    Unlocking the Transition: Biden, Congress aim to fill gap from clean electricity plan's demise

    Sen. Joe Manchin's rejection of the plan has led to a scramble for potential alternatives, with a proposal by Reps. Kurt Schrader and David McKinley gaining support from major players in the utility sector.

    Scott Van Voorhis • Nov. 4, 2021
  • Propelling the Transition: As Ford, GM and others invest billions in EVs, will the power system be ready?
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    Adeline Kon/Utility Dive
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    Unlocking the Transition: As Tesla, Ford and others invest billions in EVs, will the power system be ready?

    The new White House zero emission vehicle target of 50% of new car sales by 2030 has a long way to go, a short time to get there, and big challenges along the way.

    Herman K. Trabish • Nov. 3, 2021
  • Three pathways for hackers to crash the US power grid
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    Adeline Kon/Utility Dive
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    Sophisticated hackers could crash the US power grid, but money, not sabotage, is their focus

    For now, the capability remains in the hands of nation-state actors. But "sophistication can ultimately be bought," Edison Electric Institute Vice President for Security and Preparedness Scott Aaronson said.

    Robert Walton • Oct. 28, 2021
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    Adeline Kon/Utility Dive
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    A century later, utilities still face billions in potential liabilities from obsolete manufactured gas plants

    Thousands of manufactured gas plants dotted the American landscape in the 19th and early 20th century. Today, PG&E, ConEd and other utilities are still dealing with the contamination they left behind.

    Kavya Balaraman • Oct. 11, 2021
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    David McNew via Getty Images
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    As California's solar net metering battle goes to regulators, a focus on reliability may be the best answer

    The reliability value of solar plus storage in ensuring resource adequacy might be the key to solar's future, according to Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies Executive Director V. John White.

    Herman K. Trabish • Oct. 1, 2021
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    Scott Olson via Getty Images
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    State, federal actions show growing push for a nuclear role in reaching net zero emissions

    Former critics of nuclear power agree, financial support may be justified for firm power options to tackle climate change and get over the net zero emissions finish line.

    Herman K. Trabish • Sept. 28, 2021
  • First Solar's Series 6 modules deployed in a project in Kern County, California
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    Permission granted by First Solar
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    Advancing the energy transition requires an honest discussion of costs, outages and land, analysts say

    Customers will tolerate the power system transformation's problems and challenges if they understand stakeholders will be "careful about the transition," one analyst said.

    Herman K. Trabish • Sept. 20, 2021
  • First Solar's Series 6 modules deployed in a project in Kern County, California
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    Permission granted by First Solar
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    Key regulatory decision leaves California reliability issues unresolved, aggravates tensions

    In the long process to figure out how to share "attributes" of IOU legacy resources needed to meet state renewables mandates, a major decision could weaken collaboration between traditional and new load-serving entities.

    Herman K. Trabish • Sept. 8, 2021
  • Oklo Aurora powerhouse (Image: Gensler)
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    Nuclear reactors of the future have a fuel problem

    Higher levels of uranium enrichment can unlock value from smaller and simpler reactors, but they come with new hurdles that the nuclear industry says only the federal government can address.

    Matthew Bandyk • Aug. 30, 2021
  • header image for Utility Dive hydrogen series
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    Adeline Kon/Utility Dive
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    Will hydrogen usher in a new era of collaboration between gas and electric utilities?

    With hundreds of businesses from dozens of industries eyeing hydrogen as a key opportunity for future growth, gas utilities have started to make a case for their role in the clean energy economy. But not everyone shares their vision.

    Emma Penrod • Aug. 19, 2021
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    Adrian Ace Williams via Getty Images
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    An ideal marriage? The battle to match US clean energy demand with excess Canadian hydropower

    It would seem like the perfect match — a surplus of Canadian hydropower with a grid in the United States that is hungry for more renewable power sources. But moving that power is proving to be complicated.

    Scott Van Voorhis • Aug. 16, 2021
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    California's Aliso Canyon review could offer key lessons on transition from natural gas, analysts say

    The state's consideration of whether to wean itself from one of its largest natural gas storage facilities could be a model, regardless of its success.

    Kavya Balaraman • Aug. 10, 2021
  • A picture of wind turbines in front of solar panels in Palm Springs, California.
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    Kevork Djansezian via Getty Images
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    The US power sector is halfway to net zero emissions, but it gets harder now, analysts say

    Renewables led the power sector's recent energy transition, but breakthroughs are needed to take the transportation, building and industrial sectors to net zero emissions by mid-century.

    Herman K. Trabish • Aug. 4, 2021
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    Scott Olson via Getty Images
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    Gridlock in transmission queues spotlights need for FERC action on planning

    FERC is calling for stakeholder input to address the backlog in transmission queues holding 70% of the renewables needed for Biden's policy goals.

    Herman K. Trabish • July 19, 2021
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    'Doesn't make sense': Analysts pan omissions in MISO's first electrification impact analysis

    MISO’s first electrification-focused planning study was a "good start" by accentuating uncertainties on the rate and pace of the transition, but missed what storage needs will be and what least-regrets solutions offer, experts said.

    Herman K. Trabish • July 13, 2021
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    Adeline Kon/Utility Dive
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    As the US begins to craft a hydrogen strategy, Europe's experience could offer valuable lessons

    Green hydrogen advocates are looking across the Atlantic for inspiration on the technologies, policies and strategies that could develop the domestic market. 

    Kavya Balaraman • July 6, 2021
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    David McNew via Getty Images
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    From green to gold: 5 ways CFOs can gain from climate risk disclosure

    CFOs confronting growing pressure to disclose climate change risks can find in their analysis opportunities to improve capital allocation and risk management.

    Jim Tyson • July 6, 2021
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    Brian Tucker/Utility Dive
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    As utilities risk missing carbon reduction targets, analysts stress need for organizational change

    Sierra Club and the Smart Electric Power Alliance published separate analyses on the shortcomings of utilities in their net zero emissions pledges, finding a common solution in new organizational approaches.

    Herman K. Trabish • July 1, 2021
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    As US aims to boost clean energy supply chain, critical minerals gap largely human-caused, analysts say

    There's no shortage of rare earth minerals needed to transition to a clean energy economy, experts say. The problem is getting them out of the ground — and out of China.

    Emma Penrod • June 17, 2021
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    Xcel's record-low-price procurement highlights benefits of all-source competitive solicitations

    The utility's Colorado division showed how competitive bidding benefits customers if regulators protect the quality of the process.

    Herman K. Trabish • June 1, 2021
  • Analysts at the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Wildfire Safety Operations Center monitor a wildfire on August 05, 2019 in San Francisco, California.
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    Justin Sullivan via Getty Images
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    Record wildfire threats mean California must pick when and where to fight, utilities, analysts, CalFire agree

    Utilities, public agencies and firefighters are preparing for the worst as the climate crisis-driven threat of deadly, destructive wildfires in California grows, but the biggest question remains unanswered.

    Herman K. Trabish • May 27, 2021
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    NRG push for sweeping retail market changes in Northeast meets Texas-sized obstacles

    The reliability crisis in Texas, the state with one of the most competitive retail electricity markets, has created hurdles for a campaign to reinvent retail competition in Northeastern restructured states.

    Matthew Bandyk • May 26, 2021
  • A picture of the street sign stating "Wall Street." American flags drape over a nearby building
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    Kena Betancur via Getty Images
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    Elliott's proposed Duke split untimely, analysts say, as advocates warn of 'dangerous can of worms'

    Analysts question why the proposal to split Duke Energy into three companies comes now, when the utility is on an upswing, while ratepayer advocates warn against Elliott Management's outsized role in the power sector.

    Catherine Morehouse • May 20, 2021
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    'A terrible idea': Texas legislators fight over renewables' role in power crisis, aiming to avert a repeat

    Texans may face future freezes if lawmakers blame renewables and fail to set winterization standards and create market-based reliability protections, analysts say.

    Herman K. Trabish • May 17, 2021